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Nick Lambert DPhil (Oxon), MBCS

About Me

I research the application of digital technologies in contemporary art and visual culture, including the relation of art and science.


My writing and lectures cover the history of computer art and I engage with artists and theorists in this field. This includes the evolution of interfaces and display technologies.


I have developed artworks for immersive environments and exhibited in London, New York and elsewhere.


Previously, I was the Director of the VASARI Research Centre in digital media at Birkbeck. This centre has links with Ravensbourne, including collaborative research projects for augmented reality in museums.


I have also been a principal investigator and reviewer for the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), European Union (EU) projects, and contributed to research as a lecturer, doctoral supervisor, external examiner and course developer for institutions in the UK and abroad.


I'm Chair of the Computer Arts Society, a co-organiser of the EVA London Conference and work with the Lumen Prize for Art and Technology.

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